Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (EUR) VPK PSVITA

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (EUR) VPK PSVITA
Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a hack'n slash fantasy on Playstation Vita. In the skin of a king returned from the dead, the player must purify his kingdom by slaughtering hordes of monsters with swords or spells. 4 players can share the adventure simultaneously and a new Pit of Trials mode allows high-level heroes to win new items.
Release Date:    January 31, 2012
Genre:    Action RPG
Publisher:    Ubisoft
Region:    Europe
Languages:    English
Dump Type:    VPK
Game ID:    PCSB00041
Size:    1GB
DOWNLOAD Dungeon_Hunter_Alliance_[PCSB00041]_(v01.00)
